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Granting Andy’s Wish

If you follow Custom One on Facebook, you’ve probably seen us post quite a bit about our partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation this year. Staying connected to our roots, giving back, and cultivating generosity are all important values to us. We love helping families create beautiful homes, but we’re also passionate about using our resources to build up our greater community. Along with our friends at Make-A-Wish Minnesota, this summer our team had the privilege of meeting a young man named Andy.

In cahoots with his parents and under the guise of looking at his mom’s latest work project, Custom One’s owner, Todd, recently gave Andy and his family a tour of our Luxury Home. However, instead of just getting a glimpse of the home’s garage, the excursion ended with an exciting surprise: they’re heading to Disney World! Andy is growing up with a rare, but thankfully treatable, heart disease. Although his Shone’s Complex does require careful monitoring, Andy’s parents are still determined to provide him with everyday childhood experiences.

Everyone at Custom One felt moved by this family’s story – we don’t think there was a dry eye in the house when Andy received his surprise! Thank you to our friends at Make-A-Wish for making this moment possible, our team for facilitating the event, and to the Woodbury Bulletin for documenting our memorable day. Browse through the images below to get a better glimpse of this sweet family and our joy-filled afternoon together.



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