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NY 10002, USA

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Children’s Cancer Research Fund Gift


We are excited to welcome our newest partner Children’s Cancer Research Fund (CCRF) this year! Custom One Charities has committed to a $50K gift to this organization! This gift will be utilized to establish and name a University of Minnesota Clinic and Fund. This clinic and fund will allow CCRF to continue their legacy of improving survivorship care for children with cancer.

Our gift of $50,000 will ensure the flexibility and sustainability of these important clinic rooms, including:

• Upgrades to the equipment (e.g. treadmills to aid with physical assessments) and technology (e.g. cameras to improve telehealth capabilities).

• The goal is to create an environment that centers each child and their needs during the visits with their care team.

*If you are interested in donating, or learning more, please contact Kate Hamilton at Kate@CustomOneHomesmn.com


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